ADM Oceanfreight

US Based Customs Broker

ADM Logistics has experienced Licensed Customs Brokers that can file your Import Security Filing (ISF) and other import-entry-related information with U.S. Customs officials, monitoring your imports throughout the imports clearance process. Our value-added customs brokerage services are provided to ensure import clearance success. Call us at 336.218.9029 today to get started.

Getting Started

Create your free account & complete the online Power of Attorney

About Power of Attorney: A power of attorney is required for a customs broker to transact on your behalf with U.S. Customs. Ours is simple and easy.

Submit your request

Here you will provide basic shipment details and upload required documents

• Importer Security Filing (ISF) Ocean only
• Commercial Invoice
• Bill of lading
• Permits / PGAs Upon request

Don’t have all your documents?
With ADM, you will be able to upload documents at any time throughout the clearance process via our virtual work-space.

Your agent gets to work for you

Your agent will review your submission and notify you via our virtual workspace if any further documents or information are required.

They will continue to keep you updated on the status of your shipment and we encourage any questions along the way.

Your clearance request is processed

Your agent will create your customs declaration and submit it directly to U.S. Customs via our secure Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). Clearit is backed by 35 years of Customs Clearance experience Clearit is a licensed U.S. Customs Broker with the ability to Remote File across all ports in the United States of America (National License Number 32477)

Release of goods

Once your clearance has been confirmed by U.S. Customs, your will receive copies of your 7501 (Customs Accounting Document). Your goods are released and ready for final destination.

You’re all set: Upon request Clearit can make payments on your behalf in order to expedite the release of you cargo (ocean and air).

Get started with your Account Registration now.

To start a clearance you must complete your free account registration HERE

Let our experienced staff handle your ISF filing

We can file your ISF for you $35.00.

What is Importer Security Filing (ISF)?

Importer Security Filing is a mandatory Customs Border Protection regulation which requires all importers receiving cargo by ocean vessel to provide advanced shipment information to CBP prior to leaving port.

Who files my ISF and when?

Your Customs Broker will file ISF on your behalf at least 24 hours prior to cargo leaving its port of origin.

What happens if ISF is not performed?

Failure to file your ISF can lead to stiff penalties, increased cargo inspection, and an overall delay in receiving your cargo. Penalties range from $5,000 USD – $100,000 USD

What Information is required to file an ISF?

ISF requires 10 separate data elements.

They are listed as follows:

  • Supplier (or manufacturer) name & address – the company or person that manufactured the goods or the last company/person that modified it.
  • Vendor name & address – The company/person which purchased the goods.
  • Buyer (importer of record) name & address – The person or company purchasing the goods.
  • Ship-to name & address – the physical location / final destination of the goods.
  • Container stuffing location – The name and address of the location where the goods were placed into the container. If placed into the container in more than one location, all locations must be listed.
  • Consolidator name & address – the party who physically stuffed the container or arranged for it. If the vendor or manufacturer of the goods stuffed the container, then they would be considered the consolidator.
  • ISF importer (importer assigned) number – The IRS number, employee identification number, social security number, or CBP assigned number of the party responsible for the goods entering the United States. This may or may not be the importer of record; it can be the owner, consignee, or agent.
  • Consignee identification number – The IRS number, employee identification number, social security number, or CBP assigned number of the U.S consignee. This party must be located in the United States.
  • Country of origin – The country where the goods were produced or grown.
  • HTS codes – Harmonized Tarif Schedule numbers with a minimum of 6 digits.
  • Bill of lading number – Either the house or straight bill of lading number, whichever is lowest.

How do I submit my ISF filing to ADM?

ISF filing data is uploaded along with your commercial invoice when submitting a request for clearance.